Tunes for Dancing Bears

About Tunes for Dancing Bears

It is September 1991 and Lydia has just given birth to a stillborn child in Montreal. As she and her husband, Dr John Gabriel, grapple with its after effects, their lives and relationship come under intense scrutiny. Lydia, the daughter of poor Greek immigrants, fears she has failed her husband as well as his more prosperous Greek family. Their marriage had been shaky from the start and the stillbirth seriously threatens its very foundations, including John’s commitment to marital fidelity. “Tunes for Dancing Bears” plunges deeply into the complexities of grief, as well as the many challenges of being a woman. A profoundly touching story of loss, immigration, hope, and what “for better or for worse” really means.


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The obstetrician seemed menacing. He looked like a shark: small eyes and stretched lips, and too many teeth when he opened his mouth to speak. He had given up trying to breathe life into her baby and was now leaning over her under the blinding lights. For a moment, nothing came out of his mouth but a puff of stale breath. And when at last he told her, muttering a word she did not understand…

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